Why millennials are #SpentOnRent, in their words

Published August 24, 2018

Updated March 7, 2025

by Better

We recently announced the launch of our #SpentOnRent campaign to gain insight from real people about what’s holding them back from homeownership. This campaign followed the release of The Millennial Homeownership Report, in which we partnered with the Urban Institute to investigate the reasons behind low millennial homeownership rates.

After downloading the report, thousands of people across the country participated by taking our homeownership probability quiz or sharing their story on Twitter.

From student loan debt to credit scores to down payment struggles, many of the responses were in line with findings from the report.

Top themes from #SpentOnRent tweets:

Real Talk: Unpacking homeownership

We also partnered with supporters who helped spread the word about the report and shared their own stories about homeownership. Here were a few of our favorites:

La Guardia Cross:

Dr. Mike:

Sam White:

Congrats to our sweepstakes winner!

@darkwater70 won $5,000 to put towards their version of the American Dream.

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